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Environment & Creativity Wellbeing Workshops in Colchester
Dog Shelter

We're delivering three creative workshops in Colchester that connect with local environmental volunteering opportunities. 

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Explore your creativity and find out about ways you can improve your health through connecting with environmental volunteering activities.


We’re holding three free workshops this summer, where Colchester residents can talk part in a free creative workshop and a taster of some environmental volunteering. Thanks to funding from the North East Essex Hyperlocal Fund, we are able to support people to improve their health through creative activities and environmental volunteering. These one-off events are a great way of finding out what’s out there and trying something out with no commitment.


You don’t have to have any creative experience or be an environmental expert - we just need people who are supportive, interested and want to try something new.

This project has been funded by the North East Essex Health and Wellbeing Alliance and the Neighbourhood programme. Funding is administered through One Colchester.

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